
In addition to outcome assessments, cost effectiveness of surgical treatments becomes increasingly important. Both, insurance companies and hospital administrations aim for short and efficient procedures to reduce costs.Microsurgical procedures are often surpassing traditional treatment options in terms of function and aesthetics. However, they are more expensive as they require a high level of surgical expertise, more theatre capacity and longer inpatient treatment. Adequate reimbursement is mandatory, if we want to continuously perform these procedures with the best possible quality and outcome. To cover the case-related expenses of each specialty, multidisciplinary procedures require appropriate distribution of reimbursements to each department.The main diagnosis as well as all complications and relevant comorbidities should be documented to obtain the correct DRG. The additional financial benefit of a microsurgical procedure in a multidisciplinary case can be calculated by specifying the procedural increment in pay. Therefore, a fair distribution of revenues to each participating department should be performed. Different models exist, which lead to a benefit in compensation for all departments. Unfortunately, distribution of resources is still insufficiently managed in many hospitals, which hampers high quality multidisciplinary microsurgical procedures. Still, picking the best possible procedure for our patients, independently of financial incentives, is of utmost importance.

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