
The present study was conducted in three agro-climatic zones of Punjab state viz., sub mountainous zone, central plain zone and south western zone for assessing the profitability of various green fodder crops and other competing crops. It was observed from the study consisting of a total sample size of 120 farmers growing green fodder and other competing crops that the profitability from crop rotation based on green fodder crops was little higher than the predominant paddy-wheat rotation. Among the important kharif fodder crops, bajra fodder was the most profitable with overall profit of ` 49, 111/ha compared to paddy with profit of ` 64, 925/ha. The profit from berseem was observed to be ` 78, 918/ha which is the main fodder crop in rabi season. The main competing crop in this season was wheat with profit of ` 57, 584/ha. Therefore, there is need to create awareness among the farmers to shift some area from paddy-wheat rotation to enhance green fodder production.

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