
The economy of the coastal communities of West Aceh is still in the lower-middle category, coupled with COVID-19 which has made the situation more unstable. This study aims to determine the extent of Government Policy in Empowering the Economic Development of Coastal Communities in Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. The method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that government policies are: 1) People Centered, government policies related to human-centered community empowerment have been carried out by opening a network of cooperation in several places such as Sibolga, West Sumatra, Perlak to help fishermen to be able to export of fish, the policy provided is also not supported by administrative services from the sub-district. 2) Participatory, the fishermen community empowerment program during the COVID-19 pandemic is still not optimal in terms of community participation. The results show that there are several government programs that do not involve the community to be involved in it. The government does not pay attention to the empowerment of the fishing community's capacity itself, and what is currently needed by the fishing community. 3) Sustainable, the form of policies that have been carried out by the government in empowering the community has been carried out such as the program for providing BLT to fishermen. However, this program is considered less than optimal because it is not sustainable and there is no definite time for distribution

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