
The article presents calculations on the economic efficiency of the complex drug Virocoсcide for the treatment of trichocephalosis in cattle. In Belarus, nematodoses of the gastrointestinal tract of cattle are quite widespread, which annually cause significant economic damage to animal husbandry. So, with nematodoses of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of young animals is significantly reduced. Some trichostrongilides, trichocephalus are hematophagous and cause large blood loss in animals. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of Virococcide was carried out according to the results of average daily weight gain of calves after deworming. In 14 days after the application of the Virococcide, the average daily gain of the calves increased to 750.25 g/day, which is 1.60 times higher than in the infested animals. Statistically reliable data after application of the Virococcide were preserved until the end of the study, the greatest increase in calf gain was observed 28 days after deworming. During this period, it was 801.25 g/day, which is 1.70 times higher than the infected control group. The average increase in live weight gain per calf after application of the Virococcide was 36.79 kg, in the control group – 26.2 kg. The economic efficiency of using Virococcide at a dose of 100 mg/kg live weight twice per animal amounted per ruble cost to 10.96 ruble. And the economic efficiency of the basic preparation of fenbendazole as a single oral dose of 37.5 mg/kg live weight amounted per ruble of costs to 5.27 rubles.

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