
The economic education of children and adults in the exhibition activities in the Western Ukraine of the XIX - first half of the twentieth centuries is considered. Research methods used: historical, systemic, and comparative gave the opportunity to explore the past exhibitions in the system of economic education of children and adults; the search-bibliographic method was used during the study of archival, library catalogs, foundations; historical and pedagogical and comparative analysis of the facts of phenomena, their synthesis − to study the evolution of the problem of economic education. In order to study the state of development of the problem under study, a chronological method was used that allowed to consider the development of economic education of children and adults in Western Ukrainian lands in dynamics and time sequence. At the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the public life of Ukraine and other European countries, exhibitions - regional, international - were quite common. In their work, in particular, the participation of cultural and educational institutions and all types and grades of schools was envisaged. They promoted, first of all, the dissemination and promotion of professional knowledge among representatives of different sectors of the population, and increased attention of the society to professional and economic education. Identified features of exhibitions for children and adults in the study period, which were organized by both state educational institutions and cultural, educational and business societies. Using a complex of interrelated methods in the study, in particular: historical-systemic and comparative, search-bibliographic, historical-pedagogical, chronological, led to the conclusion that the participation of children and adults in exhibitions contributed to the mastery of professional knowledge, skills, vocational guidance, development of commercial skills of exhibitors. The effectiveness of exhibition activities as a form of economic education for children and adults is evidenced by awards that have been noted by authors for exhibits at exhibitions. Historical and pedagogical experience convinces of the need for systematic education, starting from elementary school, in the creation of professional, vocational and technical educational institutions and higher economic schools for the economic education of children and adults.


  • gave the opportunity to explore the past exhibitions in the system of economic education

  • the search-bibliographic method was used during the study of archival

  • their synthesis − to study the evolution of the problem of economic education

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ЕКОНОМІЧНА ОСВІТА ДІТЕЙ І ДОРОСЛИХ У ВИСТАВКОВІЙ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ НА ЗАХІДНОУКРАЇНСЬКИХ ЗЕМЛЯХ (ХІХ – ПЕРША ПОЛОВИНА ХХ СТОЛІТЬ) В статті розглядається економічна освіта дітей і дорослих у виставковій діяльності на західноукраїнських землях ХІХ – першої половини ХХ століть.

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