
The problem of interstate economic unification today is geopolitical in nature, and therefore the unions that are being formed today will play leading roles in world politics in the future. Practice has shown that such interstate unions as the EU or NATO work, despite the fact that their members retain a significant share of their state sovereignty. Such alliances have begun to form everywhere, especially after the successes achieved by the EU. Each of these unions is created by the future member states of this union in order to preserve and maintain their independence, that is, in order not to fall under the influence of one of the world powers or another union. From the point of view of traditional economic theory, it is impossible to find answers to all questions related to international integration. Why some integration unions are successful, while others are not, why the declared goal and the result obtained do not always coincide. It is the issues of economic integration that are of high relevance at the present time. There are also a number of other important reasons, such as economic cooperation, cultural interaction, joint development of infrastructure, mutual assistance, raising one's own status at the world level, and much more. All this implies that by joint efforts the countries that are members of these unions reach greater heights than if they were not members of them, thus the rule of synergetic works.

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