
The purpose of the article is to analyze the previous widely used approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of economic diplomacy and to search for new approaches to its consideration in view of the new projection of the process of activation at the global level. Globalization and economic achievements of many countries in the field of international relations lead to the development of various models of diplomacy for an adequate response to challenges and threats. The subject of the study is the phenomenon of economic diplomacy in the context of a new projection of activation. Among these prerequisites were identified: international relations and international dialogue expand the range of functions of diplomacy in order to protect the interests of countries in the international arena; strengthen the format of consolidation of countries based on security systems; change the structure of negotiations, ensure the functioning of institutions and networks of cooperation. Methodology. The set of studies was based on the analysis of previous widely used approaches to the consideration of economic diplomacy. A new consideration is applied, where the new structure is considered through modern projections of activation associated with new internal features. It is in this context that economic diplomacy has the nature of an international phenomenon, which is associated with its new projections of activation, where the signs of status, integration, adaptability and mobility can radically change the perception of its potential and scope. Results. It is noted that the interpretation of the concept of "economic diplomacy" takes into account the interaction of different actors: state and non-state. Approaches to a deep understanding of the concept of "economic diplomacy" are presented in articles and studies of many modern scholars. However, the discourse of "economic diplomacy" is multidimensional and therefore needs to be developed on the basis of other scientific approaches, not only within the "systemic approach". When defining the essence of diplomacy, the following approaches should be taken into account: 1) activity; 2) communicative; 3) presentation; 4) image; 5) management; 6) environmental. Practical implications. In general, it is summarized that the availability of the above-mentioned approaches is due to the processes of modernization of the diplomatic systems of countries to form a qualitatively new line of international relations, positioning of the national economy and use of resources to ensure its full status in the geopolitical space. In modern trends of activation, it is globalization, digitalization and democratization that expand the professional boundaries of diplomacy, increase the number of alternative and independent diplomatic actors. It is summarized that the impact of the environmental factor on the competitive advantages of countries stimulates them to develop new forms of cooperation, including diplomatic. Value/originality. It was emphasized that in the current conditions economic diplomacy remains in line with the foreign policy of different countries, and, no doubt, the foreign policy of Ukraine as well. Ukraine's economic integration with the EU is deepening not only by strengthening trade and economic opportunities of the Association Agreement, but also by intensifying all spheres and levels of international relations and active diplomatic cooperation.

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