
The rampant movement of the people of the South West Region of Cameroon to that of the French speaking regions in search of peace, security, education, greener pastures, etc. has hashed a dangerous breed of vultures that are eating the fabrics of the economic system of the region and the country in general. Rural exodus in any developing or underdeveloped country is a deterrent to the economy and a weightier venture that challenges the management and leadership skills of the power that be to make intelligent decisions for future success. In this qualitative research with a purposive sample, data were collected from 30 participants in the age range of 18-65 years old and analyzed to help safeguard the economic and financial stability of the Southwest Region of Cameroon. The result shows that peace and education are the solutions to prevent businesses from leaving or moving out of the State or Region to areas of calmness and security. There are still rampant killing and kidnapping of innocent citizens for ransom who have no power to change the country's laws. The leadership must stop playing politics and strive to maintain peace and seek solutions quickly to stabilize the economic condition of the people.

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