
The 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union set before Soviet economics and planning exceptionally responsible and complicated tasks. As Comrade N. S. Khrushchev stressed on October 18, 1961, in his report to the 22nd Congress on the Program of the CPSU: Life itself calls for scientific substantiations and economic calculations of a new, far higher order in the fields of planning and management. The drafting of plans and endorsement of economic measures should be preceded by a thorough-going scientific analysis of the problems of economic and technical development. Economic and technical research should further the proper solution of economic problems. We have in mind the establishment of the most advantageous proportions in the national economy, the most effective use of natural resources, production capacities and new machinery, the best distribution of the national income and capital investments, mobilization of additional ways and means of accelerating rates of economic development, ...

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