
1. Introduction The high unemployment rate leading to lack of constant earnings, unsatisfactory material security entail irreversible social and psychological consequences, which promote further significant growth of economic crime, and can act as the major factors generating emergence and development of extremist movements in his various forms and options (Kalenitsky and Semchenkov, 2014). The injustice expressed in unequal income distribution, in unfair competition for jobs cultivate feeling of hatred, aggression to all system of state administration among the population. In mass consciousness the corruption which has turned into a kind of business activity looks quite justified, expedient and even prestigious (Aliyev, 1990). In 1998 scientists claimed that economic crime poses a threat of a homeland security (Volzhenkin, 2002). Criminalization of an economic field of activity of the state is represented to us the unfortunate trend requiring complex counteraction. The chairman of Investigative committee A. I. Bastrykin also speaks about it and he speaking in the Federation Council 23.12.2014, declared that there is a need to concentrate efforts precisely on counteraction to economic crimes (Bagmet, 2015). 2. Theoretical, Informational and Empirical, and Methodological Grounds of the Research First of all, certainly, the Criminal code responds to an appeal and abounding with a large number of articles and the infinite amendments made to them providing responsibility for this or that act. At the same time the legislator doesn't analyze conditionality and feasibility of the changes made to the penal statute from really existing line item of regularity of the regulated economic relations. In a number of researches it is fairly noticed in this regard that often the aspiration to increase efficiency of the law is based on intuitive perception of existing law precepts quality or the superficial analysis of results of their action, and the so-called effect of the adopted regulatory legal act is presented by authors' purely conjectural political considerations (Aliyev, 1990). Expediency and performance of the penal statute can and must be caused first of all by social nature factors which in interaction with criminal precepts of law can yield positive result in counteraction to economic crimes. Today the social medium has hard times--crisis of the major social and legal institutions, the economic sanctions inflicted on Russia by the foreign states, the termination of many industries' productive activity, society stratification on the rich and the poor, loss of valuable reference points of the nation in general, disappointment in government and society, legal and moral degradation, depreciation of human life--all these social processes lead to inefficiency of the penal legislation. The essential factor of increased criminality is violation of balance of interests: public, institutional and personal. It is known that domination in economic and other spheres of life of group interests of society and concentration of fixed assets of production in hands of rather small amount of people doesn't promote forming mass sense of justice and law abiding at all. These reasons generate counteraction to the current criminal legal norms (Aliyev, 1990). It is obvious that having only determined a regulatory framework of economic crime it is possible to speak about ensuring an economic safety, and also about determination of social conditionality of this phenomenon and development of measures for counteraction to her (Hilyuta, 2013; Athanasenas et al., 2015). The analyzed sources result us in opinion that today there is no single determination of economic crime; a framework of this phenomenon isn't outlined. This situation entails essential difficulties on studying and the analysis of this phenomenon and adjacent situations to it. There are two main line items allowing treating economic crime in narrow and in a broad sense, at the same time everything is also obvious lack of a reality. …

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