
A profound shock to our country has occurred with the undergoing situation of the COVID-19. Coronavirus or which is well known as COVID-19 is a communicable disease which was initially found in Wuhan, China in December 2019. At the present situation most of the countries have been stabilized and in the other hand few countries are corona free and majority are going on with the vaccine program to make each and every individual person to fight against this disease. This report is on how COVID-19 has affected Sri Lankan economy in our main sectors which is Micro, small and medium-scale enterprises, Sri Lankan stock market, Retail and consumer goods market, Travel and Tourism of Sri Lanka and Banking and Finance Sector. Even visiting schools and university boundaries have been restricted due to the great impact. Online method is the only way in which schools and university administrative staff relies on. The major issue that the people are facing is poverty into whom is mostly targeted is the people who earn money by doing day to day work. Gradually the country would face a gigantic disaster if this disease is not taken into control with safety and practical measures. One thinking of his or her safety cannot be taken into consideration since this is a communicable disease and will be great if all work together.

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