
Economic Development, Trade and Investment: Determinants of Growth in SEMC.- Euro-Mediterranean Trade: Shallow vs. Deep Integration.- The EU-Turkey Customs Union: A Model for Future Euro-Med Integration.- Manufactured Exports and FDI.- Private Sector Development.- Sectoral Studies: Transport Infrastructure.- Agriculture.- Tourism in the Mediterranean.- The Textile Industry.- Information and Communication Infrastructure.- Financial Development: Determinants of Financial Development Across the Mediterranean.- Dynamics of Bank Efficiency in the EU and SEMC: Is There a Convergence?- Convergence of Banking Regulation.- Financial Development, Bank Efficiency, and Economic Growth Across the Mediterranean.- Financial Sector Development Scenarios.- Social Development: Education Systems and Their Impact on the Labor Market.- Measuring Returns to Education and Human Capital.- Determinants and Measures of Inequality.- Female Labor Force Participation and Economic Development.- Summary: The Economic and Social Policy Reform Agenda in the SEMC: Towards a Sustainable Transition.â

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