
The case for a flat tax has been around for over two decades. In the early 1980s, Robert Hall and Alvin Rabush-ka of the Hoover Institution developed a tax system that is based on a single rate of taxation for all sources of income, as close as possible to the source. All income is classified as either business income or wages and taxed at one rate, except for a personal allowance exempting lower income individuals and families from taxation (this makes the Hall-Rabushka proposal to some extent progressive). There are no other exemptions, no deductions, no loopholes. The other essential aspect of the flat tax system developed by Hall-Rabushka is radical simplification of the tax system, by removing any deductions or reliefs, and by eliminating double taxation. This proposal repre-sents a fundamental change in the way governments would collect tax revenue. Flat tax is believed to help reduce red tape and associated difficulties and confusion. With tax form down to size of postcard the flat tax system makes tax filling much simpler and more efficient; achieve simplicity, economic efficiency and fairness (same rate for all) – three principle of effective/sound taxation; reduce tax evasion and cheating, by lowering opportunity cost of avoiding taxes. Flat tax systems means elimination of relief, allowances and thus eliminates loopholes in the sys-tem and provide incentives to work, save and invest that trigger an economic boom.

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