
Abstract. Growing trends in the shadowing of the international and national economy contribute to the strengthening of legalization of income resulting from tax evasion, using offshore zones, which have favorable fiscal and monetary and financial regimes, with a high degree of protection of banking and trade secrecy, as well as loyalty to institutional regulation. In recent years, the problem of legalization (laundering) of income from tax evasion in offshore zones has become more acute, caused by the violation of Ukraine’s national interests due to the reduction of tax revenues to the state budget and the outflow of capital outside the country. The offshoring of the national economy has reached alarming proportions as the country, in a prolonged financial and economic crisis, chronic underfunding of sectors of the national economy and acute shortage of financial resources, invests in highly developed countries. Given this situation, the problem of studying the mechanism of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of income received as a result of tax evasion in offshore zones becomes especially relevant. The article identifies the features and prerequisites for the functioning of offshore zones, outlines the main problems of effective counteraction to legalization (laundering) of income received as a result of tax evasion in offshore zones. The research of the basic schemes and methods of legalization (laundering) of the incomes received as a result of tax evasion with use of offshore zones is carried out; the economic and legal analysis of normative and legislative maintenance in the field of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the incomes received as a result of tax evasion, in offshore zones is performed; the dynamics of the number of criminal offenses in the field of tax evasion with the use of offshore zones is analyzed. Measures of the system of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received as a result of tax evasion through offshore zones are systematized and improvement of the economic and legal mechanism of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the incomes received as a result of tax evasion through offshore zones is offered. Keywords: legalization (laundering) of income, tax evasion, economic and legal mechanism, offshore zones. JEL Classification H26, O17 Formulas: 0; fig.: 4; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 13.


  • The negative impact of globalization, megaregionalization and integration causes disproportion in the development of world economic relations, destructive changes in the development of national economies and, at the same time, causes significant differentiation, unevenness and unfair distribution of spheres of influence and access to available resources

  • In the conditions of modern international social and economic development there is the strengthening of processes of shadowing of national economies, deepening of corruption, intensification of legalization of the incomes received by criminal means that leads to commission of illegal actions by subjects of economic activity and other economic agents and to the development of the international economic crime, which is characterized by the emergence of destabilizing factors of economic development, destructive changes in socio-economic systems, growing tax asymmetry and offshore national economies

  • There is a need to study the problem of forming a modern integrated network of transnational financial centers — offshore zones, which help reduce the share of tax deductions in the income structure of economic entities received from transactions with financial assets and help legalize illegally obtained capital because of the lack of customs benefits, due to the low level of taxation in their territory or its absence, ensuring effective regime of banking and financial secrecy and finding ways to combat legalization of income, obtained by criminal means due to tax evasion in offshore areas

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The negative impact of globalization, megaregionalization and integration causes disproportion in the development of world economic relations, destructive changes in the development of national economies and, at the same time, causes significant differentiation, unevenness and unfair distribution of spheres of influence and access to available resources. 7—8], who substantiates the negative impact of offshore zones on the national economy through unproductive withdrawal of capital in order to optimize taxation, investment, tax evasion and legalization of «dirty money». 30] has proved that offshoring is a destabilizing factor in economic development, real GDP growth and causes an increase in the growth rate of unproductive withdrawal of financial capital outside the country. Legal aspects of this issue are substantiated by L. Taking into account the significant developments in the economic and legal field of the studied issues, the problem of combating legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means through tax evasion with the use of offshore zones still remains unresolved

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