
Solar-driven interfacial water evaporation is an emerging water purification technology. However, the high cost and low evaporation efficiency limit the wide application of solar-driven interfacial water evaporation technology. In this work, we use the dough fermented flour and yeast powder production, and then after fermentation of dough to produce high temperature carbonization of carbon materials, the preparation of the sample surface formed a large number of pits, increased specific surface area and the absorbance of the sample, and increased the solar-thermal conversion efficiency of the sample. It is found that the evaporation rate and evaporation efficiency of the sample made in this work is 1.5 kg m−2h−1 and 94.2 % respectively under one solar irradiation intensity. The maximum surface temperature of the sample can reach 43.3℃ during the experimental test, which has good evaporation performance. It provides a new idea for making economical and environmentally friendly materials in the field of solar-driven water evaporation.

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