
From the technical side, analyzing the hydropower design planning that matches the conditions of the Belayan River. From the economic side, analyzing the feasibility of hydropower projects through investment costs along with cash flow to the economic life of the project, using several methods, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PBP), Benefit Even Point (BEP), Benefit-Cost Ratio (B-CR), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results of technical analysis with reliable discharge Q (10%) produce an output power of 439,4 MW with 4 generators, the power is then transmitted to the Melak Main Station with a distance of ± 100 km. Investment costs incurred in the planning of the construction of the Tabang hydro power plant (PLTA) in East Kalimantan is 3.673.356.951.235. The net present value (NPV) obtained is Rp.3.911.323.016.835 with a return on investment of 7.77 years and a break-even point for expenses and income in the 11,36 year. The ratio of project cost and benefit ratio is 1,32 and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) calculation is 19.53%. These results indicate that the plan to build a Tabang hydropower unit in East Kalimantan is economically feasible.

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