
This study aimed to estimate barley farms efficiency, with its technical and allocative branches and to identify the most important factors affecting economic efficiency, as the data were collected through a questionnaire form randomly distributed to 44 barley growers in Wasit Governorate / Essaouira district, the relationship between barley production, area and quantity was estimated. The seeds, the amount of urea fertilizer and the compound fertilizer, the number of hours of automated work and manual work using the data envelope analysis method and the Deap program with internal orientation. The sample level (0.96, 0.66, 0.64) respectively. Excel, spss and AMOS program were used by which the most important factors affecting economic efficiency were determined by conducting factor analysis. Accordingly, the research recommended urging farmers to use the optimal quantities of resources, develop their administrative capabilities, and pay attention to non-price factors as well, as they contribute to encouraging farmers to increase cultivated areas and production.

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