
The morphologically unique and endangered humpback chub, Gila cypha, is found in canyon-bound reaches of the Colorado River and its tributaries. Now limited to six isolated reproducing populations, this species is believed to have been once distributed over a large portion of the mainstem river. Because the species inhabits remote canyon areas, little is known about its spawning ecology. The largest remaining population occurs in the lower Little Colorado River (LCR) near Grand Canyon, where we conducted a three-year study of spawning ecology during spring (March-June) 1993–1995. We analyzed seasonal patterns of movement, population density, relative condition, spawning scores, and frequency of ripe condition and fin abrasions and compared these data with seasonal discharge and water temperature to determine spawning phenology and ecology. Spawning commenced in late March, peaked in mid-April, and waned in mid-May. A high proportion of males remained ripe over this period, whereas ripe females were relatively abundant only in April. Increased densities of adult fish in March-April and rapid declines in May-June coupled with recaptures of 18.4% of these adults in the Colorado River suggest that a portion of the population migrated from the Colorado River into the LCR to spawn and then returned. Ripe males aggregated in areas of complex habitat structure with high angular variation in bottom profiles (matrix of large boulders, travertine masses combined with chutes, runs and eddies, 0.5–2.0 m deep) and were associated with deposits of clean gravel. Ripe females appeared to move to these male aggregations to spawn. Near-spawning (including gravid) females and non-spawning fish used similar habitats and were segregated but close (< 50 m) to habitats occupied by aggregations of ripe males. Abrasions on anal and lower caudal fins of males and females suggest that spawning involves contact with gravel substrates, where semi-adhesive eggs are deposited and fertilized. The findings of this study should aid recovery efforts for humpback chub by identifying spawning habitat within the historic distributional range where additional spawning stocks could be established.

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