
This paper will describe the function of water resources to support business activities in Surakarta regency, Central Java province. Surakarta is a business city in Central Java province with small business enterprises and specific culture. This city has a famous river with the name is Bengawan Solo. Bengawan Solo is a River Flow Regional (RFR) to support business activities in Surakarta regency. Concious with the function, societies and local government in Surakarta must to manage the sustainability of River Flow Regional (RFR) Bengawan Solo. It is important to manage the sustainability of business activity in Surakarta regency. 
 According to the condition in Surakarta regency, this paper will explain how the simulation of Low Impact Development Model in Surakarta regency. Low Impact Development is a model that can manage and evaluate sustainability of water resources in River Flow Regional (RFR). Low Impact Development can analys goals, structures, and process water resources management. The system can also evaluate results and impacts of water resources management. From this study, we hope that Low Impact Development can manage water resources in River Flow Regional (RFR) Bengawan Solo.

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