
The ecology of Chroothece at six sites in the UK and one in the Isle of Man is de- scribed, together with morphological observations. Sites were near vertical or steep, wetted by trickles and drips, but subject to marked changes in extent of wetting and with parts of the gen- eral area liable to desiccation. Water chemical data are given for four sites, where the alga oc- curred in base-rich, low nutrient waters and with fi lterable organic phosphorus the principal fraction of total fi lterable orthophosphate. Chroothece was associated with a range of cyanobac- teria, especially species of Schizothrix, but also colonial, heterocystous and presumed nitrogen- fi xing genera, and calcicolous diatoms (e.g. Epithemia and Mastogloia). Morphological meas- urements suggest the Chroothece populations all fi t C. richteriana.

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