
Birds are among nature's most social animals. They are renowned for their group migrations, their cooperative foraging, their communal roosting, their synchronous breeding aggregations, their precise parent-offspring interactions, their coordinated group defenses and their intricate territorial and courtship rituals. In these and other contexts, and indeed in most moments of their lives, birds' capacities to navigate complex social demands and relationships can tip the balance between health or sickness, between reproductive success or failure, between life or death. It is thus no surprise that birds have evolved sophisticated systems for mediating social interactions. Foremost among these are communication signals, most evident in birds as songs, calls, color patterns and postural displays. These and other communication signals can transmit information about a signalers' status, motivations and possible future actions, for sensory and cognitive processing by signal receivers. In general, signals provide benefits for both signal senders and receivers. Consider the bright spring plumage of a male wood warbler who has established a breeding territory. The male's plumage pattern benefits him by signaling his 'ownership' of his territory, which can help him attract potential mates and preempt conflict with potential rivals. His plumage pattern also benefits his intended audiences: it informs females about the signaler's potential as a mate, and it informs other males about the degree of threat they might face were they to attempt a territory take-over. Communication signals are, in essence, a glue that maintains the cohesion of bird societies, and a currency that mediates sophisticated relationships within.

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