
Asilidae Ecology (Diptera Brachycera) I - Distribution in lower Provence, flight periods and imaginal longevity. According to the type of larvae, Asilids in Provence (France) can be distributed in 2 groups, those who develop in the trunks of dead trees during the pre-imaginal stages and those who develop in the soil. Among these types one observes somes species, more or less ubiquitous requiring little from the environment and the texture of the soil and those species living exclusively in sandy soils. In Provence, these Diptera fly during a large part of the year, from February to November with the maximum abondance of Diptera in flight in June and July. Except for Andrenosoma bayardi and A. atra the other species are active from one to three months for the same species. In a general manner, one finds species whose imaginai hatching is spread out over many months, and other Asilids species whose hatching period is shortened. In nature the average life time varies considerably according to the species and the individual from a few days to 3 weeks for A. bayardi and more than 50 days for some exceptional individuals.

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