
Actuality. The floodplain area near the Slobozhansky National Nature Park still does not have a nature reserve status and is under threat of complete destruction. The Merla floodplain is a habitat for a large number of Red Book and Green Book species, a place of migration of many species of European migratory birds, etc. Only the inclusion of the floodplain area into the national nature park will give the possibility to combine the protection of the floodplain nature with the traditional patterns of regional management, without violating the natural balance of the landscapes in the Merla River valley. Purpose. To analyze the ecological value of the the Merla river floodplain for the functioning of the NNP Slobozhansky. Methods. The analytical-synthetic method, geoinformation (cartographic modeling and processing of remote sensing data), a critical analysis of information sources and the results of field studies were used. Results. Based on the analysis of literary and stock materials and our own field studies on the test sites of the floodplain, information was obtained on the floristic diversity of the floodplain, the presence and positional location of red-book and green-book objects within the floodplain was studied, and the natural conditions of the park were assessed. Unique representatives of the flora are observed throughout the national park and on the test sites, a significant amount of which requires special protection and protection. The rare vegetation of alder forests on the floodplain oak forest of the Slobozhansky National Nature Park is represented by groups listed in the Green List of the Kharkov region. Based on the analysis of a digital elevation model of the territory of the NNP Slobozhansky and the Merla river floodplain we can talk about the unity of the geochemical landscape of this territory in terms of all its components, the Merla river valley confirms the genetic and dynamic unity of the NNP landscapes. Conclusion. Based on the results of this study and taking into account the previous achievements of scientists, it is proved that the inclusion of the Merla river floodplain, which is located between the two sites of the Slobozhansky NNP in its composition, will preserve the landscape and biological diversity of the area. This will fulfill the conditions of the National Program of formation of the ecological network of Ukraine and the requirements of its inclusion in the Pan-European eco-network.

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