
P opulus euphratica is the only dominant tree species in arid desert region, because of people the irrational use of resources in recent decades, causing their area was drastically reduced. This research was on the background of economic and social condition of Hotan County in typical areas of southern edge of the Tarim Basin, and took Populus euphratica ecological function as research objects, studied the main factors and mechanism of influencing their growth from the micro-level, and using the market value method, shadow engineering methods, and so on, measured their main ecological services value. The result showed that: Hotan County backward economic and social conditions exacerbated their ecological vulnerability. They have significantly effected on Populus euphratica growth, were temperature, soil, salinity and hydrology, etc. Currently, Populus euphratica forest plays a significant role of dust reduction and ecological environment in Hotan County, its indirect economic value is much higher than standing timber value.

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