
Sago palm (Metroxylon sago), a tropical plant which mostly grows naturally and distributed in Eastern Part of Indonesia (including Wallacea Zone). However, currently the existing of sago palm is facing threats for food security in the future due to land conversion and life cycle of sago palm is a long term periode (10 – 15 years). The objective of this research were to: 1) Analyses of population structure of sago palm; 2) Regeneration potency of sago palm; and 3) describe habitat characteristic of sago palm. The research was conducted in April to August 2017 at Wewangriu Village Malili District. The circle plots (each 314 m2) were purpossively established in a lowland sago palm area based on growth phase of sago palm. The pole and tree diameter were measured at breast height (1.30 m) above the trunk, but sapling and seedling were only counted the number of individals. Moreover, environmental factors were measured directly at every center of plot. The result of research showed that population of sago palm in natural habitat was dominated by sapling with 226 individuals, then followed by seedling was 177 individuals. The regeneration potency of sago palm was categorized Fair based on relatif density and relatif frequency. Related to habitat characteristic or microclimate conditions, the temperature was hot and dry with ranged form 28.7°C to 29.5°C. Hydorology parameters such as water pH was about 6.0 to 7.9. Especially soil propeties was dominated by silty clay and clay with slightly acid condition (soil pH 6.2 and 6.3). Maintaining the existence of sago palm, it is necessary to protect and preserve it in the natural habitat.

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