
The bryophytes of the reserve are represented by 71 species: 3 liverworts and 68 leafy mosses. The greatest variety of mosses is typical for forests. Most mosses are epiphytes, which are associated with the trunks and bases of trees - 21,4%, on the soil - 19,7% and on a limestone rock. In the ecological structure of the bryoflora, the features can be traced, zonally determined by the features of the bryoflora of the southern regions with pronounced aridity features. The predominant life form is loose turf - 44.2%, the second position is occupied by dense turf mosses (31,1%). In relation to the degree of asubstrate moisture mesoxerophytes - 29,6% and mesophytes - 27,9% dominate. In relation to the degree of supply of the substrate with nutrients, oligomesotrophs - 37,7%, and mesotrophs - 32,7% are mostly represented. In relation to illumination helioscyophytes occupy a predominant position - 44,6%, in relation to the temperature factor mesotherms occupy a leading position - 50,8%, mesotrophs - 31,5%, mesoeutrophs - 17,4% and eutrophs - 12% are most prominent. The analysis of the spectrum of ecological-floristic strategies of bryophytes has shown a high proportion of species with strategies of colonists and shuttles. The bryological materials confirm the high scientific significance and nature conservation value of the reserve territory.

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