
The article is devoted to the problem aspects of agricultural land use in Ukraine. Analysed influence on using of agricultural land such factors as systems of farming, global warming, uneven precipitation distribution by months and deficit of humus in the soil. Considered such system of farming as traditional, organic, No-Till and made conclusion about a harmfulness of traditional farming system on ecology. Analysed the influence of organic and No-Till farming systems on preservation of moisture in the soil under condition of increasing of air temperature and uneven distribution of precipitation by months. Made conclusion that in contrast to traditional farming system, organic farming system is able to improve a state of ecosystem, in particular a biological variability, biological cycles and biological soil activity. It is a possible by using cultural, biological and mechanic methods when cultivating the land in opposite to synthetic materials. So, organic farming is not only a system of agricultural production, but also is a complex approach for supporting of sustainable development of agriculture. The advantage of organic farming is a possibility for adaptation to many climate zones and local conditions.

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