
Personal habits of children and adolescents related to healthy body image (BI) are influenced by various determinants in the micro- and macroenvironment. These include attitudes and behaviors about eating; exercise and physical appearance modeled by parents, teachers, and peers; as well as opportunities to learn new habits and social praise for healthy choices. The coordinated school health program (CSHP) is compatible with the 5 levels of an ecological approach to developing new health behaviors. Authors systematically applied the ecological model to all 8 components of coordinated school health. Next, strategies for each of the components were developed using the professional literature as well as author expertise in the areas of health education, exercise science, and dietetics. For each strategy, applicable health and physical education standards, as well as goals for each strategy and additional Web resources, were provided to assist educators and administrators in supporting healthy BI among students. Educators may effectively use a coordinated approach to guide multiple intervention activities aimed at increasing healthy habits among adolescents and their families. The strength of the CSHP is its collaborative nature with active participation by students, faculty members, family caregivers, agency professionals, community residents, and health care providers.

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