
Land degradation is a global challenge for the environmentalist. The continuous degradation of land destroys soil quality, ecological stability, ecosystem functioning and environmental health. Land degradation deteriorates natural resources including forest, soil, and agriculture, which further affects soil, food and climate security. Deforestation, intensive agriculture, mining activities and various problematic soils affect ecosystem health and environmental sustainability. In this context, afforestation activities not only reverse land quality but also help in ecological restoration and climate change mitigation for the long term. Eco-restoration of degraded land through afforestation and sustainable forest management (SFM) practices ensure greater ecological stability and sustainability in the climate change era. Thus, afforestation activities must be employed in degraded and wasteland including problematic soils such as saline, waterlogged, marshy, coastal and sandy land. Problematic soil can be restored through better scientific practices of afforestation which are further strengthened by SFM practices. Furthermore, an effective policy and governance catalyze afforestation activities in degraded land which further meet global timber, fuelwood, food and fodder demands along with greater greenery forest covers on the earth.

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