
UDK: 630*222:582.632.2 (497.6 Sarajevo)
 582.632.2:630*5(497.6 Sarajevo)
 The paper represents a methodological approach in categorization of coppice beech stands in Sarajevo Canton area in relation to their ecological, productive, structural and silvicultural characteristics. For the collection of necessary data, method of temporary experimental surfaces, systematically allocated in squares 200 meters distant from each other has been used, in accordance to design of simple systematic sample. Concentric circles whose radius depend on tree diameter has been used as sample units (STOJANOVİĆ & DRİNİĆ, 1975). Data have been conducted in 659 locations. Stands have been categorized in three categories in relations to predefined criteria of categorization based on stand environment, productiveness, structure, economic value and fostering needs. For each of the categories, average units of basic productive indicators of the stand have been determined: number of trees, basal area, volume and volume increment per year for marked and unmarked, as well as same indicators of marking timber volume and the intensity of felling. Statistical significance of difference between the indicators has been tested by the method of variant analysis. Based on the results, indirect conversion has been recommended for the first stand category, direct and combined conversion for second one, and third category didn't need conversion because they have predominantly protective character


  • The paper represents a methodological approach in categorization of coppice beech stands in Sarajevo Canton area in relation to their ecological, productive, structural and silvicultural characteristics

  • Coppice, beech forests were made by mistake as a try in regeneration of high forests as well as lack of care in reforestation of high forests after the cut

  • Coppice beech stands in this areas should have been of temporary character, because they were made by accident, and not as a planned forest management procedures

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Mean Square

Results of conducted analysis are showing justification for categorization of coppice beech forest stands. Determined relations between categories and indicators, as well as analysis of other stand characteristics are extremely important in defining propositions and recommendations for selection of silvicultural measures which will lead to conversion in higher silvicultural form, for each formed category. As well as determined indicators for production, structure and qualitative condition are showing that it is not possible to plan same or similar silvicultural measures for all stands in efforts to convert them to stands of high silvicultural form (BALİĆ, ET AL., 2006). Comparing values of basic productivity indicators, before and after selections, it's possible to simulate condition and changes after felling all marked wooden mass as regular cutting. For the first category of coppice beech stands calculated average values of taxative elements before and after selections, and values about conducted selections are represented in table 2

Condition after cut
Marking timber volume
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