
The article carries out the analysis of scientific researches and current legislation in the sphere of prevention and combating climate change. It is determined that the basis for the development of effective national legislation in this area should be formed by the state climate policy. It is proved that the institute of normalization occupies a leading role in providing effective legal regulation in the sphere of prevention and combating negative environmental changes caused by climate change. It is proposed to define ecological normalization in the sphere of climate change prevention as an activity of the authorized state bodies in the development, establishment and implementation of the normative standards of pollutants affecting the climate (limit permissible values of greenhouse gas emissions) with the purpose of limiting and controlling the effects of climate change, preventing its change and ensuring a favorable environmental status as a whole. The article proves the necessity of making amendments to the laws of Ukraine “On protection of the environment” and “On protection of the atmospheric air”, as the initial stage of formation of legal regulation in the field of prevention and combating climate change at the national level, with the prospect of adoption of a special regulatory legal act in this area. Thus, the definition of the concepts of “climate” and “normalization in the sphere of climate change prevention”, as well as legal measures to prevent and combat climate change in Ukraine, which should include the development, installation and implementation of standards for emissions of pollutants affecting the climate (standards of greenhouse gas emissions) should be enshrined in law. Attention is drawn to the fact that the slow pace of development and adoption of regulations in the sphere of climate change prevention, the problems of implementation of the already adopted laws are due to the lack of a mechanism to take into account the problem of climate change and to provide conditions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in other spheres of state policy, while developing national strategies and programs, etc.

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