
This paper analyses ecological features of bryophyte species from the territory of the Pohulyanka Forest Park in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. A total of 141 species of bryoflora were analyzed (70 recorded for the first time). In the spectrum of life forms (LF), species with the following LF prevailed in the study area: turf (61 species, 43.3%), mat (48 species, 34%). Turf, the most common life form, was detected on all types of substrates, but was most frequently found on the soil (33 species, 23.4%) and stony substrates (13 species, 9.2%). Analysis of herbarium specimens (herbariums of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and the results obtained with respect to the composition of the bryoflora suggest that since the mid-19th century, due to anthropogenic transformation of the study area, most species with LF weft (10 out of 15 species, or 66.7%) have disappeared, while the number of species with LF rough mat on the soil has increased. The apophytic fraction of bryoflora in the study area consists of 121 species (85.8%) belonging to 28 families and 66 genera, including four species in the division Marchantiophyta. In the composition of bryophyte flora, 67 species of eventapophytes were identified (47.5% of the total number of species). Dominant families are Brachytheciaceae, Mniaceae, Pottiaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Polytrichaceae. Hemiapophytes comprised 24.1% (i.e. 34 species) of the total number of species. The largest number of hemiapophytes was found in the families Pottiaceae, Bryaceae, Amblystegiaceae and Orthotrichaceae. Among the spontaneophytes (20 species, 14.2%), the families Hypnaceae, Mniaceae and Polytrichaceae prevailed. Indigenophytes amounted to 20 species (14.2%). With regard to the relationship of bryophytes to light, the following groups were identified in the study area: ultraheliophytes, heliophytes, subheliophytes, hemisciophytes and sciophytes. The highest number of species was represented by subheliophytes and hemiscyophytes. Certain patterns were found in the ratio of sun-demanding species in groups of apophytes. Among the hydromorphs, the following groups were identified: ultraxerophytes (found only among hemiapophytes); xerophytes (prevailing in the group of hemiapophytes, but also found among eventapophytes); xeromesophytes, mesophytes, hygromesophytes and hygrophytes (represented in all anthropotolerant groups); hydrophytes (event- and spontan/indigenophytes).

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