
The current environmental situation requires serious attention and active participation of every person. A special role in this process is played by the student youth – an active and promising part of society, capable of making a significant contribution to the development of ecological culture and changing environmental behavior. The ecological consciousness and behavior of students are becoming the object of more and more in-depth study by specialists in various fields of knowledge, including sociologists. To assess the level of formation of ecological consciousness and behavior in 2023, a sociological study was conducted using two methods: a questionnaire, the object of which was the student youth of Yekaterinburg and an expert interview. The study revealed the attitude of young people to the environment, as this is an indicator of the formation of ecological consciousness. Next, the key environmental problems that, according to the youth, are most acute were considered, as well as real practices that students implement while taking care of the environment were considered. In addition, the research revealed the role of the university as an actor influencing the formation of environmental consciousness and behavior. As a result, it was concluded that modern youth in general show interest and awareness in relation to environmental problems, but in reality their environmental behavior is often uneven and limited.

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