
Eremogone saxatilis (L.) Ikonn – a Eurasian, boreal-temperate species distributed in the European partof Russia and Southern Siberia. Recently the species occurs in dry pine forests, on the edges, sandy forest glades, inthe steppes. Despite its rather extensive area, this species is specified in the Red Books of different regions of Russia,including the Kirov region. The aim of the research is to study the ecological and coenotic features of the Eremogone saxatilis habitat on the north-eastern border of the range. The research of the species distribution features was carried out inthe protected area “Medvedsky Bor”. On the basis of geobotanical descriptions, the analysis of ecological preferences andrealized ecological potencies of Eremogone saxatilis was carried out, which was realized out according to the amplitudephytoindication scales of D. N. Tsyganov. According to the data obtained, it was found that the studied species does nothave high adaptive capabilities to various environmental conditions. Eremogone saxatilis exists in areas with approximateconditions of its original habitats on the territory of the Kirov region. The main factors for the growth of the species werethe increased illumination and dryness on the poor soils of pine forests in the northern parts of its modern area.

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