
Abstract We investigated the dung beetle Geotrupes (Halffterius) rufoclavatus Jekel on the eastern slope of the Cofre de Perote Volcano, Veracruz, Mexico, with monthly trapping samples taken during the years 1999 to 2001. Monthly beetle abundances were related to habitat and collection period. The distributions of geotrupinae species on the Cofre de Perote are mapped, providing new data on geographical distribution in the State of Veracruz. The highest quantities of G. rufoclavatus were collected in the forest habitat. Above 3,000 m, more adults were collected in pastures and cultivated fields, showing a single activity peak per year, whereas at lower altitudes, there were lower numbers in those habitats, but several activity peaks per year. In Tonalaco, Veracruz, monthly samples were taken during 2005–2006 to assess the reproductive state of the population. Male and female reproductive systems are similar to those of other geotrupine species. All adults collected were in a maturing state; one female coll...

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