
BACKGROUND: The steppe regions of the North Caucasus, the Volga region and the Central Chernozem regions of insufficient and unstable humidification are exposed to strong winds, which destroy and blow out the soil, cause dust storms, damage crops and often destroy them over large areas. It was found that the main foci of dust storms were areas plowed by ordinary dump tools. In this regard, the non-fall (flat-cut) tillage widely used in Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia with the preservation of most of the crop residues on the soil surface has acquired great importance. At the same time, tillage with chisel cultivators or plows, as well as rippers-slits with pointed loosening paws, allows to reduce the total energy consumption by 1.3-1.5 times, and also improves the agrophysical properties of the soil and increases crop yields.
 AIM: The present study deals with a development of soil-free soil protection technology that contributes to the accumulation of moisture and increase yield.
 METHODS: The method includes non-tillage tillage together with the cutting of cracks and the formation of cavities. The device consists of a hinged frame with support wheels and working bodies. The non-shaft working bodies are installed in a staggered order and contain C-shaped racks with chisels fixed at the end and flat-cut trapezoidal semi-paws on the sides. Drainers are fixed behind the racks, trapezoidal semi-paws in the front part are fixed pivotally on axes rigidly fixed on the sides of the rack, and in the rear part they have a kinematic connection with the mechanism of the swinging washer, connected, in turn, with the power take-off shaft of the power means.
 RESULTS: The working process of the method of accumulation of moisture in the soil is carried out as follows: after harvesting the previous crop, peeling is performed, and then furrows are cut with simultaneous non-shaft loosening, while at a depth of 3060 cm rectangular crosssection cavities are created, and the walls of the cavities are rammed. Due to this, meltwater enters through the furrows and collects in the cavities of a large volume and is retained due to the rammed walls for a long time. The use of large volume cavities will increase the amount of accumulated moisture, which will contribute to an increase in the amount of harvest.
 CONCLUSION: An improved method is proposed. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that the cavities are formed to a depth of 30 to 60 cm due to low-frequency vibrations at a frequency of 1 stroke per second of planar trapezoidal semi-paws from the sides of the rack, and the sealing of the walls of the cavities is carried out by exposure to high-frequency vibrations with a frequency of 250 Hz using roller elements. The use of large volume cavities will increase the volume of accumulated moisture, which will contribute to an increase in the amount of harvest.

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