
Topicality. Excessive anthropogenic load on water structures and their depletion led to a critical decrease in the selfregenerating capabilities of rivers and significant contamination of water resources with sewage (in most cases without disinfection) by settlements, agricultural facilities, etc. The purpose of the study is to carry out an ecological and hygienic assessment of surface water quаlity in the Mizhhirsky district. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: descriptive, retrospective and comparative analysis, and mathematical-statistical. Conclusions. In the Mizhhirsky district of the Transcarpathian region the ecological and hygienic condition of surface reservoirs can be considered satisfactory. The state of drinking water is regarded satisfactory as well, mainly, only after it is supplied to the network. Solving the issues of purification of open reservoirs from contaminations should become a priority not only at the district but also at the regional and state levels.

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