
Ecological and economic mechanisms of development and management of national natural parks are considered. The role of the ecological-economic mechanism in the management system and the system of two blocks of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the ecological-economic mechanism are determined: the economic block is the level of involvement of natural parks in economic activity, and the ecological block is characterized by the level of its ecological sustainability. Taking into account the ecological and socio-economic danger for our state, in connection with the military actions on the territory of Ukraine, there is an urgent issue of developing new and improving existing mechanisms and tools for environmental monitoring in national natural parks. The directions for improvement of the ecological and economic mechanism of development and management of national natural parks are substantiated. The prerequisites for the formation of the legislative framework in the field of environmental policy and financial mechanisms in the development of national natural parks are shown. The directions for improving the financial component of the economic mechanism of the development of national natural parks are substantiated.

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