
The expert and statistical assessment of ecological and coenotic groups of Southern Trans-Urals vascular plants flora has been done for A.L. Belgards coenomorphs scheme and scheme of vascular plants flora of temperate forest zone of European Russia. Both suggested schemes of groups give adequate and similar assessment of biotopes. The proposed groups of vascular plants flora are identified in phytometer scales space definitely and can be used for regional assessment of biotopes. The best assessment of ecological flora of region is realized by combined coenomorphs and coenotic group schemes approach at the same time. The authors have established regimes of principal ecological factors that identified differentiation flora by coenotic groups and ultimate for specific groups forming in Southern Trans-Urals habitats. Sylvant coenomorph has been formed by boreal (acidic soils phytometers) and nemoral sciophytes and heliosciophytes, moreover a nemoral group must be understood as a group of shady forests on rich soils. The sylvant pine forest group is heterogeneous and not coenoticaly specific. The steppe coenotic group has been formed of obligate and facultative heliophytes of mostly dry biotopes, pratal coenomorph is heterogeneous and not coenoticaly specific and made up of humidity-meadow flora, dry-meadow coenotic group is not specific. For Southern Trans-Urals region it is recommended to use unite paludal coenomorphs but with a separation of coenotic group of oligotrophic bogs. The separation of ruderal coenomorph (phytometers of dry-meadow moistening and rich of nitrogen soils) is confirmed statistically. The authors have established regimes of principal ecological factors for stenotopic ecological and coenotic groups of Southern Trans-Urals region. For coenotic groups of Southern Trans-Urals region the authors have identified biotopical centres and biotopic and coenotic series which are associated with moistening, aeration and saline soil conditions and brightness regime.

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