
The cultivation of bioenergetic crops is one of the priority directions of work of the educational-scientific and production complex Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium. The ecological and balanced use of marginal lands for growing energy crops is regarded. The limitation of land resources creates significant difficulties and sets priorities for the use of marginal lands. However, there are still large uncertainties in determining the categories and areas of marginal lands for the cultivation of biomass that require further research, definitions and discussions. The further development of the biomass utilization should take place with proper consideration of the environmental impact and the observance of the criteria for sustainable development. The domestic experience and experience of foreign countries are analyzed. The ecological expediency of cultivating energy crops on marginal lands is highlighted. There are 8136.08 hectares of eroded and less productive lands in the region. Besides, 737,300 hectares of degraded lands require the preservation. The radioactively contaminated soils can become a special fund for marginal lands in the Vinnytsia region. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the area in the Vinnytsia region with the radiation pollution density of 1-5 Ci/km2 is 1,944 km2, while it is 38 km2 with the density of 5-10 Ci/km2. These areas can be used for such forest energy crops as Salix viminalis, Populus berolinensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, because they have the smallest deposit of radionuclides. It is extremely important to achieve an environmental balance for the use of marginal lands, when bioenergy crops will produce biomass and compensate the lost properties of low-quality soils. The characteristics of new energy crops grown at the Yaltushkiv experimental and selection station of the Institute of Bioenergetic Crops and Sugar Beets of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, the founder of the ESPC Ukrainian Scientific-Educational Consortium are also regarded.

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