
AbstractThe dynamics of water and solutes were investigated in two northern bog ponds using sensor networks and discrete water samples. Embedded sensors monitored water level (S), precipitation (P), evaporation (E), water temperature (T) and specific conductivity (SC) in the peatlands and encircled ponds at 30 min time intervals from 2009 to 2015. Pond water chemistry was monitored seasonally from 2000 to 2020. Daily hydrographs and water budgets indicated that both bogs are ombrotrophic systems, perched above the local water table. Although the predominant flowpath for liquid water was precipitation → pond → peatland → underlying glacial deposits, evaporation accounted for 70% to 90% of water losses. High dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the ponds resulted from transient reversals of flowpath and from molecular diffusion across the peatland/pond interface (a tea bag effect). DOM of peatland origin dominated pond water chemistry, regulating the concentration of important metals, major nutrients and the acid–base status of both bog ponds. Elevated concentrations of Fe, Hg and MeHg in the ponds reflected ligand binding by DOM. The formation of DOM‐Fe‐PO4 complexes likely accounted for >3‐fold higher P concentration relative to nearby clearwater lakes. Linear regression of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) against the anion deficit indicated that DOM contributed up to 6.6 mEq of strong acid per gramme carbon in pond waters. Winter maxima in the seasonal cycles of DOC, Ca, Mg, N, P, Hg and MeHg in both bog ponds were attributable, in large part, to salting out during ice formation. We conclude that multiple methods are needed to understand the dynamics of water and solutes in bog ecosystems.

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