
The study is aimed at the effect of wetting agents on golf course fairways from ‘PLS’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). The study was conducted to determine the occurrence of localized dry spots (LDS) on the turfgrass, dynamic of soil moisture change and to find the most effective wetting agent. This study was conducted in climatic conditions of Central region of Russia, in golf club Skolkovo (Moscow region). The research is aimed at studying the demand on wetting agents in golf industry, that will help to estimate of their effectiveness and practicability. There were used methods: Advanced method of the definition of dry spots on turf; Advanced method of the definition of sand soil moisture. According to three data collections of visual turf conditions and soil moisture during growing season the worst result has shown B2 plot (product Liven, rate 20 l/ha). It had the most percent of damaged turf by localized dry spots. Later its conditions became better than B1 (Revolution, rate 20 l/ha), D9 and A1 (Liven, 20 l/ha), C4 (Dispatch, 5 l/ha) plots. G9 (untreated control) and C2 (Revolution, 10 l/ha) plots kept high level of soil moisture. Low level of soil moisture had C4 (Dispatch, 5 l/ha) and F8 (Revolution, 10 l/ha) plots. Mild and snowless winter has been contributed to slight deterioration of visual turf conditions. The highest percent of damages by dry spots had B2 plot (Liven, 20 l/ha), but the product showed a positive result. The most effective wetting agent turned out to be Revolution with application rate 10 l/ha.

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