
The introduction of biodegradable and compostable packaging has been a significant milestone in reducing conventional plastic use, particularly in sectors that prioritize sustainability like the organic food industry. This study explores the factors influencing the selection of such packaging, with a specific focus on the role of emotions in a representative sample of Italian consumers. Two models, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Rational-Emotional Model (REM), were evaluated and compared. The TPB model confirms that positive attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence the intention to choose biodegradable and compostable packaging. The REM reveals that environmental concern, cognitive benefits, and emotions significantly impact purchase intentions. The REM explains a greater variance in intention compared to the TPB model, highlighting the importance of combining rational and emotional components. Biodegradable and compostable packaging aligns well with the target consumers of organic food, making it an excellent solution for organic produce. Emotions play a crucial role in shaping consumer intentions and behaviors. Marketing strategies should appeal to consumers’ emotional responses, address cognitive concerns, and highlight the specific benefits of sustainable packaging. This research emphasizes the relevance of bioplastic packaging for organic products and underscores the significance of emotions in influencing consumer behavior.

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