
Abstract Ethics issues are present in the daily life of every human being. This paper presents an overview of difficult, yet everyday ethics dilemmas, and general rules and tools helping in making ethical choices. These tools are: distinguishing facts from values, reasoning from principles, defining terms and clarifying concepts, comparing cases, thought experiments, logic, and recognizing and avoiding errors in reasoning. But ethical issues also appear on a bigger scale in every social group, including organizations. The paper contains a literature review and an analysis of it applied to the present day. The analysis includes topics of medical ethics, business ethics and ecoethics, and was conducted according to the basic tools used in ethical problem solving. There are also discussions about a key condition for performing ethical analysis, that is, the distinction between ethics and morality. An ethical solution is dictated by logical principles and based on facts, while respecting the tools of ethical reasoning. In contrast, accepted values are also taken into account when interpreting events morally.

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