
Eco-biological properties of botanical teams of fodder grains and legumes which is highly efficient in terms distributed in Shirvan zone of Azerbaijan have been studied. During investigations 76 species from Cereal family, and 45 species from legumes were defined. Some of them are as common in the area where others been determined. It was known during biotopological analysis of investigated species that 20-25 species of legumes are oommon in bushes, 18 species in forest, forest edge, arid forest biotops, grape fields, and gardens, and 4 species in stoned cliffs. Variation of these species on zones is non-equal. 47 species were found in lowland mountain zone, 17 species in middle mountain zone and 23 species are common in upland mountain zone. Analysis of ecological groups of cereals showed that 10 species grow in mesophyte, 50 species in xerophyte, 16 species in mesoxerophyte condition. 3 species of Legumes grow in mesophyte condition, 24 species in xerophyte, 19 species in mesoxerophyte condition.

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