
Based on the official statistics the situation of parasitic diseases in the Russian Federation is still quite unfavorable. The issues of soil contamination with Echinococcus granulosus eggs are understudied that’s why the objective of the research was to study canine echinococcosis which poses a threat to animal and human disease freedom in the North Caucasian countries. Helminthological tests of the guardian dog feces were performed in seven North Caucasian Subjects: the Stavropol Krai, the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Republic of North Ossetia −Alania, Republic of Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic, and the Republic of Dagestan. As a result, it was determined that the average frequency index of echinococcosis occurrence was 85.07%. The moderate fecal egg count in 1,400 samples was 22.73 ± 1.49 eggs per 10 grams of dog feces. The data obtained are indicative of the disease unfavourable situation in the Subjects and the zoonosis spread at the regional level. Helminthological tests of 14,000 soil samples from near-village pastures for contamination with tapeworm eggs, including Echinococcus granulosus, showed that the invasion rate in the Stavropol Krai was 65.80%, in Karachay-Cherkessia republic − 79.00%, in Kabardino-Balkaria − 82.60%, in North Ossetia − Alania − 74.65%, in Ingushetia − 88.20%, in Chechnya − 83.75%, in Dagestan − 79.85%. The results obtained testify to the high level of soil contamination with the infective eggs. It was demonstrated that there is a relationship between the distribution of viable Echinococcus granulosus eggs in pasture soils and ecological characteristics of the Subject: the largest number of viable Echinococcus granulosus eggs was observed in submountain areas, fewer eggs were observed in flatlands, and the least number of eggs – in the mountain areas. The number of eggs detected in the soil samples from pastures is indicative of the disease persistence in humans and animals. Results of the helminthological tests of 7,500 soil samples from 119 cattle-driving routes of the North Caucasus demonstrate 100% contamination with parasitic agents which poses a threat of epidemiological and epizootological situation of echinococcosis in the Subject.


  • Transparency of financial activities: The authors have no financial interest in the presented materials or methods

  • The issues of soil contamination with Echinococcus granulosus eggs are understudied that’s why the objective of the research was to study canine echinococcosis which poses a threat to animal and human disease freedom in the North Caucasian countries

  • Helminthological tests of the guardian dog feces were performed in seven North Caucasian Subjects: the Stavropol Krai, the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Republic of North Ossetia −Alania, Republic of Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic, and the Republic of Dagestan

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В экспериментальных условиях в семи субъектах Северного Кавказа проведены гельминтологические исследования проб фецес приотарных собак на эхинококкоз плотоядных животных с последующим определением индексов встречаемости и обилия E. granulosus для оценки рисков для здоровья людей и животных (табл. 1). В экспериментальных условиях в семи субъектах Северного Кавказа проведены гельминтологические исследования проб фецес приотарных собак на эхинококкоз плотоядных животных с последующим определением индексов встречаемости и обилия E. granulosus для оценки рисков для здоровья людей и животных Как показали результаты данных исследований, средний индекс встречаемости эхинококкоза собак в субъектах Северного Кавказа составил 85,07%, что указывает на широкое распространение паразитарного зооноза в региональном масштабе. Средний индекс обилия яиц E. granulosus при обследовании 1400 проб фецес был равен 22,73 ± 1,49 экз. Средний индекс встречаемости яиц возбудителя эхинококкоза в пробах почв данной категории составил 79,12%, что указывает на высокий уровень контаминации почв региона инвазионными элементами. При исследовании 14 000 проб почвы присельских пастбищных угодий индекс обилия инвазионных яиц E. granulosus был равен 19,71 ± 1,20 экз. Таблица 1 Результаты гельминтологических исследований проб фецес приотарных собак на эхинококкоз, вызванный цестодой E. granulosus, в субъектах Северного Кавказа (по данным копроовоскопии проб фецес, %)

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