
V članku se ukvarjamo s konceptom ešaloniranja ognjev. Zmogljivosti sistemov za ognjeno podporo pri majhnih vojskah so omejene, zato je pravilna in smotrna upraba koncepta ešaloniranja ognjev bistvena za uspeh na bojišču. Hkrati pa predvsem manjše članice Nata upravičeno pričakujejo, da bodo v operacijah zavezništva deležne tudi učinkov sistemov združene ognjene podpore, ki jih imajo na voljo velike države. Vnadaljevanju predstavimo koncept ešaloniranja ognjev in njegov vpliv na oblikovanje dobrega sistema ognjene podpore na taktični ravni, od ravni voda do brigade. Nazadnje pa pogledamo na zmogljivosti Slovenske vojske in njenih sistemov za posredne ognje znotraj širšega sistema ognjene podpore Slovenske vojske in združene ognjene podpore zavezništva ter navedemo nekaj ključnih ugotovitev, ki bi lahko služile kot premislek pri nadaljnji gradnji zmogljivosti Slovenske vojske. The article discusses the concept of echelonment of fires. Small armed forces such as the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) have a limited joint fires capability. Therefore, in order to succeed on the battlefield, they have to correctly apply the principles of echelonment of fires. Additionally, smaller NATO members rightfully expect to receive some of the Joint Fires Effects from larger member armies in the Joint Operational Environment. The article looks at the Joint Fire Support and indirect fire systems, and what the terms mean for small NATO member states with limited capabilities. It then goes on to present the concept of echelonment of fires and some key terms within the concept. Lastly, it looks at SAF capabilities through the echelonment of fires concept and Indirect Fire Systems. The author also puts forward some suggestions for future development of SAF capabilities.

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