
The Microwave Tokamak Experiment (MTX) at LLNL will investigate electron heating in the MTX tokamak (formerly Alcator‐C) at high density (up to 6×1020 m−3) and high power by using a free electron laser (FEL). Parameters of the FEL are a peak power up to 8 GW and 50 ns duration, with average power 1 to 2 MW, at a frequency of 250 GHz. The planned input driver for the FEL is a gyrotron oscillator. The FEL output will be transported quasi‐optically, inside a 50 cm evacuated pipe, to the input port of the tokamak by means of a four‐mirror system. Launch polarization is the ordinary mode. This experiment will test the FEL technology at short wavelength and high peak and average power levels. Important physics issues to be explored are the effects of intense pulse heating (electric field up to 500 kV/cm) on nonlinear wave absorption and bulk heating, plasma confinement, plasma impurities, and parametric instabilities. Because the FEL technology is scalable to higher frequency and power, success of these experim...

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