
Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) is an endemic tree species of Sulawesi. Based on the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, it is one of the protected tree species and listed in IUCN Red List under the category of vulnerable. This species is well known for its beautiful and luxurious wood. In practice, natural forests dominated by Diospyros can be managed using the Indonesian Selective Logging System (TPTI). The purpose of this paper was to determine the cultivation and management techniques of ebony plants in order to establish ebony plantations and their conservation strategy. Data were collected based on primary field observation and review of previous research written by other authors. Direct field observations were conducted to collect data on the management of seed, scarification techniques, germination, and seedling growth increment (height and diameter), while secondary data were collected from Diospyros-related studies. From the study, it was identified that the best time to produce fruit for the species was between September - November, with a germination rate, was up to 94.67%. The recommended parent trees should be over 20 years old. Seedlings were weaned when having 2 - 4 leaves with compost enriched with NPK as the best planting media. The seedling can be moved to the planting location after the age of 8-9 months with weeding as the initial treatment. The optimum growth for nine-year-old Ebony trees may reach 6.5 m in height and 6.63 cm in diameter and this growth may still be seen for 12 years old trees that showed 9 m in height and 12.81 cm in diameter. Based on this optimum growth, it is prospective to establish ebony plantation and or enrichment planting as long as the silvicultural aspect described in this study was used as a basic guideline.

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