
Introduction Disorders of eating behavior can affect all people regardless of socioeconomic or cultural situation. More common in females (90-95%), has its peak incidence in adolescence. These are processes that can subtly start and go unnoticed at first. Objective To analyze the clinical, epidemiological, diagnostic approach of the disorder, evolution and treatment of disordered eating behavior. Methods Review of the subject and recent articles on eating behavior disorders in Psychiatric guides and magazines. Results The eating behavior disorders arise as a result of three factors: predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating. We must take into account the genetics and family history, dissatisfaction with body weight resulting in a restriction of diet and multi-disciplinary consequences of this disorder (physical, psychological and social) as perpetuating factors. We consider the coexistence of comorbidity between disordered eating behavior and personality disorders, mood disorders (depression) and disorders of impulse control. Conclusions Eating behavior disorders represent a major health problem that threatens the patient's life. Very important are the rapid detection of the same and the establishment of treatment. Treatment should be multidisciplinary with the patient and family, providing information on the approach to the patient, taking into account the lack of awareness of disease that often exists in patients.

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